Every 21 seconds, someone in the United States sustains a traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injury claims more than 50,000 lives each year and leaves 80,000 people with lifelong disabilities.
The time following a brain injury can be traumatizing, stressful, and overwhelming. There are likely many questions and concerns from the survivor and his or her loved ones.
Questions include:
- How will you pay for your hospital bills?
- Will you be able to afford the follow up care that is needed?
- Can you be compensated for your injury if someone else was responsible for the accident?
Most brain injury cases are complicated and lengthy. Following a brain injury, you need a skilled attorney at your side. Alan Sackrin is an experienced injury lawyer who knows the depth and complexity of Florida’s personal injury laws. Due to his experience, he knows the type of experts to hire and the compensation to seek.
Alan pursues his cases all the way through trial. He has dealt with most insurance companies and they know he will vigorously pursue a client rights including taking the matter to trial and appeal if necessary. Alan does not just settle cases because he won’t take a case to trial. In fact, many of his clients are referrals from other attorneys who could get the case settled.
Alan has been successfully handling personal injury cases in South Florida for more than 28 years. He will review your claim, determine your legal options, and help you understand what you can do to recover the compensation you deserve. Alan knows the issues that you and your loved ones will be faced with after a traumatic brain injury. He is easily accessible and he promises to promptly return your calls.
Call Alan Sackrin at 954-522-0207 for a free initial consultation.
To learn more about Alan and his qualifications, click this link: Fort Lauderdale Brain Injury Attorney